Choose one of the questions below to learn more about farming and farmers in Jefferson County.
What is MeatSuite and how is it a useful tool for both producers and consumers?
I have heard that sheep farmers have a hard time selling their wool- is this true?
Do farmers pay taxes the same way that other businesses do?
I hear about milk check deductions, but what exactly is deducted from a farmer’s milk check?
How do grass fed cows vs non-grass fed cows effect the economy?
How much does it cost to start dairy farming?
How much milk is produced by a large dairy farm annually?
How much money do farmers save by using manure as opposed to commercial chemical fertilizer?
How would raising minimum wage effect agriculture?
If dairy farming is so bad, why don’t farmers just quit?
What are some of the initial results of the surveys being performed by the food hub project team?
What does the size of a dairy herd have to do with efficiency?
What is an agricultural census?
Last updated February 20, 2025