FVRx Grads

Fruit & Vegetable Prescription Program Graduates with Nutrition Educator

Wanda and Jade looking at nutrition labels at the healthy vending area.

Worksite Wellness Program

Environmental Change Efforts

A healthy lifestyle is about the choices we all make – how we live our lives, what we choose to eat, and the activities we participate in every day. Those choices, however, are shaped by the opportunities that surround us in our environment. Research demonstrates that people are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors when communities are supportive, have convenient, low cost access to nutritious foods, and have safe, fun ways to be active. CCE Jefferson works with local communities to make the North Country a healthier place to live, work, learn, and play. We help local groups, community leaders, and organizations create policies, practices, and environments to make healthy lifestyles the easy choice.

Get involved:

  • Contact us to learn more about how you can get involved in our current initiatives. 
  • North Country Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Initiative - This initiative promotes affordable access to fruits and vegetables and healthy eating in under-served communities through coordinated partnerships with healthcare providers and fresh produce retailers. Speak to your local healthcare provider to see if you are eligible to participate and request that they refer you! 
  • Local Food to You - This initiative aims to improve access to fresh produce for the food-insecure by bringing local food and farmers to convenient sites where in-need individuals may live, work, learn, or frequent.  
  • Teens Leading Teens - This initiative works with middle and high school students to help them develop the skills to encourage their peers to make healthy choices related to food and physical activity. They will do this through peer-led nutrition education, developing promotional materials, and creating a social marketing and media campaign aimed at promoting healthy behaviors in the school setting. These students may also have the opportunity to work with their local school wellness committees to encourage policies, systems, and environmental changes related to student wellness. 

Last updated November 19, 2024