Careers in Agriculture
Veteran at Birch Creek Dairy Farm

NNY Veterans in Agriculture: Agriculture and the Military

Educating Service Members and Veterans in Agricultural Businesses, Practices, and Careers

What is NNY Veterans in Agriculture

NNY Veterans in Agriculture assists Veterans and Military Service Members (to include active duty, reservists, national guard and transitioning) explore the vast and ever-changing field of agriculture. Through one-on-one guidance, each participant’s experience is tailored for each individual’s interest, skill level, and time availability. Whether you’re interested in starting a small farm, improving your current business, or pursuing a career working for a large operation; NNY Veterans in Agriculture can help you accomplish milestones, to meet your final goal.

Why Consider a Career in Agriculture?

Agriculture is a keystone in our great nation’s infrastructure, providing everything from food on our table, clothes on our back, fuel in our cars, power in our homes, and so much more. Agriculture is found in every corner of our society, from urban cities to open ranges. Work in a field, a forest, on the road, a waterway, or an office; agriculture accommodates the flexibility to live where you want and to build the lifestyle you want to live. Agriculture is constantly growing and evolving, with an increasing demand for producers as well as technological specialists to adapt to the technology of today. Agriculture’s diversity accounts for countless career paths and disciplines, allowing you to a find fulfilling employment that interests you. Many of the skills and values learned in the military are translatable to agriculture; allowing for ease of transition to civilian life. Agriculture has a therapeutic nature, providing a sense of purpose and being a part of something bigger; providing for yourself, your family, your community, and your country. 

What does NNY Veterans in Agriculture Provide? 

Our individualized programming is free of cost to Military Service Members and Veterans, focusing on those in the North Country of New York. Many of our programs are also available to spouses, dependents, and family members to share in the experience. NNY Veterans in Agriculture will help you create a unique learning experience that fits your preferred learning style, while catering to your interests, time availability, and desired end state. You are in control and choose what your program will look like. Our services include: 

  • On Farm Tours
    • NNY Veterans in Agriculture provides on-going scheduled farm tours, allowing participants to view local farmers operations and practices. Many of our local farmers are themselves Veterans, from all branches of the military, who are anxious to educate fellow service members on their passion. Farm tours are generally several hours, held on both weekdays and weekends; depending on the venue, season, and availability of the host farmer.
  • Education and Workshops
    • NNY Veterans in Agriculture provides free online and in person training on a variety of topics. NNY Veterans in Agriculture utilizes workshops, webinars, online classes, and formal education programs. Educational opportunities range from general education and familiarization, to specialized methods and practices. Educational programs range from one-hour blocks of instruction to a series of classes held over several weeks. 
  • Mentorships
    • Mentorships are much like internships, allowing the participant to immerse themselves into an agricultural career field of their choosing. Participants will report directly to the farmer or business owner on a regular basis; learning the daily tasks and responsibilities of their chosen field, and what it takes to make their own vision a success. Mentorships range from several weeks to several months, depending on the needs of the participant, nature of the agricultural business, and availability of the mentorship host. This project partners closely with Fort Drum Transition Assistance Program for those service members transitioning to civilian life. Working with a farmer can count as an internship during your last 6 months of service.

How Can I Participate in NNY Veterans in Agriculture?  

For more information on what the NNY Veterans in Agriculture program has to offer, contact MaKayla Dickinson ( or 315-788-8450 ext. 266), NNY Veterans in Agriculture Coordinator, to schedule a one-on-one guidance session. Sign-ups and registration for upcoming events, such as tours and work parties, will be listed on this website as they are scheduled. Check our webpage often as we are constantly scheduling and coordinating new events. NNY Veterans in Agriculture also partners with Transition Assistance Program (TAP) at Fort Drum, with focused support for soldiers entering civilian life.

Already a Farmer in the North Country?

NNY Veterans in Agriculture is constantly recruiting local farmers and agricultural business owners interested in helping Veterans and Military Service Members by participating in our program and hosting farm tours, workshops, or mentorships. Not only will owners have the reward of giving back and molding the next generation of farmer Veterans, but they also have the opportunity to take advantage of the programs and resources that NNY Veterans in Agriculture and Cornell Cooperative Extension has to offer.


Makayla Dickinson
Ag Workforce Development Educator
315-788-8450 ext. 266

Last updated March 3, 2025